In August 1949, René Ríos "Pepo" created the comic character known as Condorito. For over fifty years, the comic was produced continuously, first individually by Pepo and later with an entire team of artists. From a single character of Condorito, there is now an extended cast including his girl friend Yayita, his rival Pepe Cortisona, the dog Washington, his neighbor Coné, and others.
In 1983, Condorito was acquired by the publishing giant Editorial Televisa. This development enabled Condorito to reach the rest of the Americas. Today, it is just as easy for someone to purchase a copy of Condorito in Santiago as in Grand Central Station, New York City, USA. Actually, there is not one single edition of Condorito; rather, in the countries in which Condorito has large circulation, such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, there are specialist teams who adapt the jokes into the local idiom and social reality. For example, the Argentine edition contains approximately 50% Chilean content with the other 50% being produced in Argentina.
While Condorito has been propagated for over fifty years in print form, it is not certain what it will do in the Internet age. In 1998, when Microsoft launched its new Windows 98 operating system and Internet Explorer Browser 4.0, Condorito was the figure that was chosen in the Latin American editions. Of course, while this prestigious presence generated royalty revenues, it does not mean that Condorito has consolidated an Internet presence. There is a website (, which appears to be minimal, and it is unclear as to how this can be made into an attractive website to visit.
According to the Pan-Latin American Kids Study, 21% of Spanish-speaking Latin American children between the ages of 7 and 11 years old have read Condorito. The frequency and recency characteristics of these readers are shown in the next table. These readership chracteristics suggest that there is a small core group of readers who read Condorito regularly.
% of Condorito Readers | |
Frequency of Reading Almost always Often Only occasionally Not in the past year |
13% 18% 59% 10% |
Recency (last time read) Within the last 7 days One to two weeks ago Two weeks to a month ago More than a month ago |
17% 6% 3% 74% |
In the next table, we show the geo-demographic characteristics of these Condorito readers.
% Read Condorito | |
Geographical Region Argentina Chile Colombia Mexico Venezuela Balance of Central America/Carribean Balanace of South America |
21% 39% 48% 15% 15% 11% 27% |
Sex Male Female |
26% 17% |
Age 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years |
10% 14% 24% 25% 32% |
Level Level A (top 10%) Level B (next 20%) Level C (next 30%) Level D (bottom 40%) |
15% 30% 23% 18% |
We make these observations:
(posted by Roland Soong on 11/19/00)
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