Internet Research in Brazil

Presently, Brazil is the country in Latin America which has attracted the most interest in the development of the Internet industry.  There are several reasons for the privileged status of Brazil.

In many countries, the state of the Internet is subject to a great deal of hyperbole, with various estimates of the size of the Internet user community that vary by orders of magnitude.  In the case of Brazil, we are rather fortunate in having an established research tracking study that is published regularly.  We are referring to the Pesquisa Internet Brasil conducted by IBOPE Midia.

In February 2000, the 5th edition of the Pesquisa Internet Brasil was published.  This was a survey covering persons 10 years of older in nine major cities (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Distrito Federal, Fortaleza, Salvador and Recife).  In all, a sample of  15,392 persons were interviewed during December 1999.  It is important to note that the Pesquisa Internet Brasil is a general population survey, which is the only way to obtain penetration estimates.

According to the 5th edition of the Pesquisa Internet Brasil, 3.3 million (or 9%) of the survey population of 36 million persons use computers to access the Internet.  This is the bottom-line summary statistic for the state of the Internet in Brazil.  The Pesquisa Internet Brasil also has information about home versus work usage, Internet activities, e-purchases and satisfaction with ISPs, with profiles by age, sex, social class and education.

The Pesquisa Internet Brasil sheds some light about the short-term and long-term prospects for the Internet in Brazil.  For example, focusing on home Internet access, we have the following classification of the population:

Home Telephone Home Computer Home Internet Access % of population
Yes Yes Yes   7.4%
Yes Yes No   5.5%
Yes Yes Not sure   1.0%
Yes No No 37.1%
No Yes No   1.3%
No No No 47.8%

We note the following:

(posted by Roland Soong on 3/31/00)

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